First Thought(s): Not so thoughtful thoughts, on our thought(s) …
thought [thawt]
1. the product of mental activity
2. a single act or product of thinking; idea or notion
3. the act or process of thinking; mental activity
4. the capacity or faculty of thinking, reasoning, imagining, etc.
5. a consideration or reflection
In accordance with our informational blurb (bottom of every page), our offerings are opinion, “food for thought,” and a good rant. If possible, all will be informative, even if nominally so (a link or twelve).
We ask that you keep an open mind while visiting. Not because what we offer is “off the deep end,” but because most issues addressed are complex, even if simply so.
However, at some point, we may offer a “tin foil hat” area. Of course, we would expect you to think, “For goodness sake! Why?” This quote sums it up, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!” Sadly, said deception usually involves the vaunted powers that be.